Find your Dream English Teaching Job

So you’ve passed your TEFL course – congratulations! You are now qualified to teach English and the world is your oyster.

The next step is finding your dream teaching job – but this isn’t always as simple as seems. To give yourself the best chance of finding work teaching English, we’ve put together our top tips for finding a TEFL job:

1. If you have yet to book your TEFL course:

  • It’s good to read up on TEFL jobs even if you haven’t yet qualified! The first piece of advice we would give is to train in the location where you wish to work; this will give you good access to local job vacancies that arise and means that you’ll be there for interviews (sometimes even before your course has finished).

2. If you already have your teaching qualification, but have not yet decided where you want to work:

  • Now’s the time to do some internet research: a good starting point is to check how many English language schools there are in your chosen destination (tip: there are often more opportunities in rural locations than in big cities, where competition is high).
  • Expat forums are a great way to find out what it’s really like to live in your chosen country, and they are a good opportunity to do some early networking; some also show local job posts.
  • Consult the many TEFL recruitment sites that advertise TEFL jobs all over the world. Some people feel more comfortable contacting potential schools and employers prior to their arrival, and these sites are a great way to line up meetings and interviews in advance.
  • Cactus TEFL offers post-course careers advice and support, as well as free access to our very own TEFL jobs board and job alerts. Here you will find potential employers from all over the world, gain an understanding of what it’s like to live and work abroad, and receive expert advice as to the right path for you upon course completion.

3. If you already have your teaching qualification, and are in the location where you want to work:

  • Job searching in-country is the best way to find your dream teaching job. You are already on the ground to read local press and find out about newly-available positions, plus you are readily available to visit schools, attend interviews and meet staff before committing to a job (as it is, after all, just as important that it is the right environment for you).
  • Again, check out Cactus TEFL’s job board for jobs in your area. English language schools in Asia regularly seek ESL/EFL teachers, so sign up for job alerts if you are looking for work particularly in Japan, Taiwan, China or Korea. There are also usually jobs available through Cactus for English teachers in major European cities.

Good luck! If you require help or advice at any point, don’t forget you can contact Cactus TEFL on or 00 44 (0) 1273 830 960.

¿Qué debo hacer para aprender inglés?

La respuesta es simple: cuanto más tiempo dediques a aprender y practicar inglés, más rápido aprenderás. Para aprender inglés necesitas practicar.

A modo de guía, si quieres llegar a un nivel intermedio de inglés (B1) partiendo de un conocimiento cero, te llevará:

• Varios años si estudias 2 horas a la semana
• 6 meses si estudias 15 horas a la semana
• 12 semanas si estudias 30 horas a la semana

8 consejos que te ayudarán a aprender inglés más rápido:

1. Relájate y disfruta
Cuando estamos estresados, si algo nos da vergüenza o nos produce frustración, el cerebro produce hormonas de estrés que actúan como un mecanismo de defensa. Esto ralentiza todo proceso cerebral, excepto aquellos necesarios para sobrevivir. No te lo tomes demasiado en serio y te darás cuenta de que aprendes más rápido de lo que crees.

2. Práctica, práctica, práctica
La práctica hace al maestro. Aprende palabras y frases y úsalos con tu profesor, otros estudiantes,tu familia de acogida – con todo el mundo. No es necesario ser perfecto. Cuanto más practiques, más rápido vaa a progresar en inglés.

3. Reduce la velocidad
La fluidez no implica hablar rápido – significa ser capaz de hablar inglés sin tener que pensar en cómo decir las cosas. Cuanto más practiques todo tipo de habla, más fácil te resultará.

4. Lee
A través de la lectura se aprende mucho vocabulario, expresiones y frases hechas, es una forma rápida y fácil – puedes leer en tu teléfono o tableta, mientras viajas o unos minutos mientras desayunas. Aprovecha la oportunidad y memoriza palabras y frases que te interesen.

5. Establece metas
Ponerte metas te mantiene encaminado y es ideal para motivarte. De esta manera se fragmenta el proceso de aprendizaje de inglés en objetivos fáciles de conseguir y así podrás ir alegrándote por tus logros. A cambio, te ayudará a aprender rápidamente, te mantendrá motivado y te marcará el calendario que tienes que seguir. Piensa en los motivos que te han llevado a aprender inglés y basa tus objetivos en esto.

6. Aprende con un amigo

Si tienes un amigo con tu mismo nivel de inglés proponte aprender inglés juntos. Podéis probar a hablar inglés (sin que os de vergüenza), ver una película en inglés o incluso viajar a un país de habla inglesa juntos. Si tienes a alguien a quien no quieres defraudar esto jugará un papel importante en tu motivación y progreso.

7. Deja de disculparte

No pases tanto tiempo disculpándote por tus errores y usa ese tiempo para alegrarte por los logros que estás haciendo. Cada vez que abres la boca para decir algo, estás mejorando – así que ¡cree en ti mismo! Cambia esos “No hablo mucho inglés” por un lenguaje más positivo: “Estoy aprendiendo; ¿Podría hablar un poco más lento? “. Sentirte bien con tu inglés te dará un impulso y ganas de aprender aún más.

8. No te rindas

Aprenderás inglés más rápido si aceptas desde el principio que requiere de esfuerzo y

determinación. Para lograr hablar inglés de manera fluida, es probable que tengas que pasar por malentendidos, momentos de frustración y de vergüenza así como un atleta tiene que sobrellevar el dolor, las lesiones y las derrotas en su camino para lograr una medalla de oro olímpica. Cada palabra que dices te está ayudando a aprender inglés, sea o no lo que querías decir. Por eso, salta los obstáculos para poder lograr el nivel de inglés que deseas más rápido.

¡Buena suerte!

Cactus trabaja con escuelas en todo el mundo seleccionadas meticulosamente para ofrecer cursos de inglés que se adapten a todos los intereses y presupuestos. Desde programas de cursos académicos de inglés en Londres hasta cursos intensivos de inglés en Nueva York, nuestros cursos son idóneos para quienes quieren aprender inglés para los negocios, por placer o para viajar.

¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en aprender inglés?

 ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en aprender inglés? La respuesta a esta pregunta se ha convertido en un tema muy popular y relevante dada la gran cantidad de personas en todo el mundo que quiere aprender inglés.

Los factores que determinan el tiempo que podría llevar aprender inglés son muchos. Estos incluyen:

1. ¿Cuánto estás expuesto al inglés en tu entorno cotidiano?

Aprenderás inglés rápidamente si estás expuesto al idioma todos los días, todo el día – por ejemplo, si estás viviendo, trabajando, estudiando o viajando en un país de habla inglesa. Hacer un curso de inglés en un país de habla inglesa es la mejor manera de aprender inglés rápido ya que estarás recibiendo clases de inglés de calidad a la vez que estás inmerso en el idioma y la cultura todos los días fuera de clase.

Si no tienes la posibilidad de hacer un curso de inglés en el extranjero, intenta exponerte al inglés lo máximo que puedas en casa. Si puedes, pasa una hora o más cada día estudiando inglés, notarás la mejoría mucho más rápidamente que si sólo pasas una o dos horas cada semana estudiando el idioma. Una buena idea es hacer un curso de inglés por las tardes una vez a la semana, y complementar esto con auto-estudio en casa y con la lectura de periódicos en inglés, la televisión, la radio y el cine.

2. ¿A qué edad se debe empezar a aprender inglés?

Se puede empezar a aprender inglés a cualquier edad, bien es cierto que los niños tienden a tener más facilidades dado que sus cerebros aún se están formando y muestran una aptitud lingüística natural. Los niños absorben el inglés rápidamente y desarrollan una pronunciación auténtica, sin las inhibiciones que normalmente nos afectan a los adultos. Los niños tienen más facilidades para desarrollar las habilidades auditivas y de expresión oral, mientras que los adultos pueden sobresalir en primera instancia en la escritura y la lectura. Empieza cuanto antes, cuando somos jóvenes el aprendizaje es más rápido. Pero no dejes que eso te detenga si lo que quieres es aprender inglés ya de adulto. Con el curso adecuado, con una actitud positiva hacia el idioma y con perseverancia se puede aprender inglés a cualquier edad.

3. Si hablas otros idiomas

Si ya hablas un segundo o tercer idioma, esto te ayudará a aprender inglés rápido. Tu cerebro ya estará acostumbrado a los procesos de aprendizaje de idiomas y contarás con una mejor comprensión gramática general y los tiempos verbales. Y si alguna de esas lenguas es una lengua germánica occidental con raíces en el latín te será aún más fácil ya que están estrechamente relacionadas con el inglés. El conocimiento de alguna lengua escandinava (sueco, noruego, danés) o romance (francés, español, italiano) también podrá acelerar el progreso en el aprendizaje del inglés.

4. El nivel de fluidez que desea conseguir en inglés

Si lo que quieres es aprender a defenderte en inglés esto te llevará mucho menos tiempo que conseguir hablar un inglés fluido. Para algunos estudiantes el objetivo es tener un nivel intermedio (B1), otros necesitan un nivel B2 (para comunicarse en el ámbito empresarial), o el nivel C1 (para comunicarse de manera efectiva en el ámbito empresarial, para realizar estudios universitarios), o incluso para estudios universitarios de postgrado (para enseñar inglés o para realizar estudios de periodismo internacional). Cuanto mayores sean los objetivos que te has propuesto con el idioma, más tiempo y esfuerzo necesitarás invertir.

Cuantas más horas le dediques a la semana, más rápido irás mejorando. Si partes de 0, puede llevarte 10 años llegar a un nivel B2 si le dedicas 2 horas a la semana. Sin embargo, puedes llegar al mismo nivel en un año si le dedicas 25 horas semanales.

5. ¿Se te da bien aprender rápido?

Todos somos diferentes en la forma en que aprendemos y la velocidad a la que lo hacemos. Tú mejor que nadie sabes cuánto tiempo te lleva aprender cosas nuevas y cómo de bien se te dan los idiomas. Incluso si te resulta complicado aprender idiomas, no te desanimes – que no te aparte del aprendizaje del inglés ya que de por encima de todo es una lengua tremendamente útil y es muy gratificante poder hablarla. Encuentra tu forma de aprenderlo mejor y hazlo divertido – ponte a ver películas en inglés, a leer revistas en este idioma, juega a juegos ingleses o haz tu propio cuaderno en el que recopiles las palabras que vas aprendiendo.

Los profesores de inglés son expertos en encontrar formas de sacar lo mejor de cada tipo de alumno y un curso de inglés es sin duda la mejor manera de aprender con independencia del tipo de estudiante que seas.

¡Buena suerte y a disfrutar del aprendizaje del inglés!

Para más información y asesoramiento sobre los cursos de inglés, ponte en contacto con Cactus. Cactus tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en la organización de cursos de inglés en todo el mundo para todas las edades y presupuestos. Desde cursos de inglés general hasta cursos de inglés comercial, pasando por clases particulares de inglés, cursos de preparación para exámenes de inglés, cursos de inglés para niños, programas de inglés para un año académico y muchos más.

CELTA and Trinity: Which TEFL course is for you?

What is the difference between the Cambridge CELTA and Trinity TESOL?

Both the Cambridge CELTA and Trinity TESOL are English language teaching certificates that are accredited and recognised all over the world. As a result there are actually more similarities between the two courses than differences, but we shall look at the finer details of both.


–          Both are accredited by highly respected institutions: TESOL by Trinity College London and CELTA by University of Cambridge English Language Assessment (formerly University of Cambridge ESOL)

–          Entry criteria for both includes: being over 18 years of age; having a standard of education equivalent to that required for higher education; a good level of spoken and written English; a good level of language awareness

–          Both include 6 hours of teaching practice with real English language students

–          Both courses comprise 5 units of learning

–          Non-native English language speakers with CAE PASS or IELTS 7.0 can apply to both

–          There is no final exam for either and assessment is continuous throughout the course

–          Both courses have a duration of a minimum 4 weeks


–          The CELTA must last for a minimum of 120 hours, the TESOL for 130 hours

–          The 5 units of learning for Trinity are:

  1. Teaching skills
  2. Language Awareness
  3. The Learner Profile
  4. Materials Assignment
  5. Unknown Language

–          The 5 units of learning of CELTA are:

  1. Learners and Teachers/Teaching and Learning
  2. Language Analysis and Awareness
  3. Language Skills
  4. Planning and Resources for Different Contexts
  5. Developing Teaching Skills and Professionalism

–         An external moderator will mark unit 4 for the TESOL and the whole course will be moderated by an external assessor for the CELTA.

–          For TESOL the final grades are either pass or fail. For CELTA the final grades are Pass A, Pass B, Pass or Fail.

Which one should I take?

Given the similarities between the two courses and that they carry the same weight in terms of international recognition, the main three deciding factors when choosing between the CELTA and TESOL are:

1. Price

The TESOL generally tends to be a little cheaper than the CELTA, although this is not always the case.

2. Location

When it comes to location, large cities will have centres that offer both the TESOL and the CELTA, but smaller cities may only offer one of the courses. If location is a key factor then this may limit your choice or options.

3. Facilities and reputation of the centre

All TESOL and CELTA centres are externally moderated and inspected, and must adhere to the standards and criteria set out by Trinity and Cambridge. However, not all centres are exactly the same in terms of facilities and reputation, and this is often reflected in the price. If you are looking for specific facilities such as air conditioning throughout, a good on-site café or a maximum group size of 12, then you need to look in detail at the specifics of what each centre offers and this may determine which course you choose to go for.

student and teacher looking smiling at the libraryCactus TEFL is an admissions and advice service for quality teacher training courses worldwide. Cactus works with well-known course providers to offer CELTA, TESOL, equivalent and online courses in over 90 locations across 36 countries. Cactus TEFL also offers free post-course careers advice and support, as well as access to our very own TEFL jobs board and job alerts.


CELTA Course Winner – LIVE Prague Blog

Do you want to know first-hand what it’s really like to take a TEFL course?

Follow our 2014 Suzanne Furstner Scholarship and CELTA course winner, Shervin Hejazi, who has just arrived in Prague to claim his prize of a 4-week Trinity CertTESOL course at our partner school Oxford House TEFL.

Shervin started his course on Monday and is already well under way. When he’s not revising English grammar and carrying out teaching practice in front of fellow students, he’s busy updating his blog with his thoughts and experiences on his TEFL course in Prague – giving would-be teacher trainees a window into the world of a TEFL student, and hopefully inspiring them to do the same! We’re loving Shervin’s blog and we hope you do too!

Follow Shervin’s TEFL in Prague blog

Read Shervin’s winning Scholarship essay here

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Cactus TEFL is an admissions and advice service for quality teacher training courses worldwide. Cactus works with the majority of well-known course providers to offer CELTA, Trinity CertTESOL, equivalent and online courses in over 90 locations across 36 countries. Cactus TEFL also offers free post-course careers advice and support, as well as access to our very own TEFL jobs board and job alerts.

CELTA Galapagos: Qualify to teach English and volunteer

Would you like to qualify to be a teacher and make a difference to a precious community?

If you want to do something different, memorable and truly rewarding, Cactus has two new programmes in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Galapagos Islands that will change both your life and that of the locals.

Located off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands form a biological marine reserve that is known the world over for its unique flora and fauna – famous examples being the giant tortoise, the marine iguana and the blue-footed booby.

People have visited the Galapagos for many years to enjoy its stunning and remote natural environment. Few, however, have the opportunity to give something back to this protected archipelago of volcanic islands – the so-called ‘land of craters’ as it was described by the naturalist Charles Darwin. This is where our two fabulous courses on Isla Santa Cruz change things.

Course Options:

1. 4-week CELTA course

For the first time in the Galapagos, teacher trainees can gain their prestigious CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults) certificate and, if they wish, go on to participate in important sustainable development and environmental protection projects.

Cost = USD $1,700 (currently £1,133)

2. 4-week CELTA course + 4 weeks volunteering

A set programme combining the 4-week CELTA course and a 4-week volunteer project. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain first-hand teaching experience directly after completing your course. The price includes the 4-week CELTA course, a 4-week volunteering programme and acccommodation for the whole duration.

Cost = USD $1,980 (currently £1,320)

How can you help?

Helping to educate the local population is an integral part of the CELTA course, and our new CELTA & Volunteering programme is a unique opportunity to volunteer on the islands once your course is complete. Much of the population of the Galapagos is Spanish speaking, so recently-qualified teachers can offer valuable assistance in teaching English to the locals. At present there are about 25 teachers, only one of whom meets the required level of English to do the CELTA. They really need qualified volunteers to stay on after the course and help educate the local community, whose main source of income is the tourism industry.

The municipal authorities in the Galapagos are particularly keen to help with this project as they see it as a win-win situation for both the volunteer teachers and the native population. It is a chance to spend time in this precious environment as much more than a tourist and do something truly rewarding and memorable.


The CELTA course

The Cambridge CELTA, along with the Trinity CertTESOL, is the most respected English language teaching qualification worldwide. CELTA Galapagos is a specific project under the broader training structure. As a Cambridge English Language Authorised Centre, it is their mission to provide you, the students, with the highest quality teacher training that will give you the experience and confidence you need to teach English anywhere in the world to non-native speakers.

The CELTA Galapagos staff are passionate professionals from the UK, Ecuador, Australia and Canada, who have come together to design this CELTA course to address the specific needs of their candidates in one of the most exotic locations on Earth.

Apply to CELTA Galapagos now or contact Cactus TEFL at / 0845 130 4775 for more information. Good luck, and enjoy!

What is doing a TESOL/CELTA course really like? An Insider’s Perspective

Cactus Managing Director Fay Drewry gives us a first-hand account of life as a TEFL trainee in Barcelona

Having decided I wanted to do my TEFL course in Barcelona and try living and working there for a year – hopefully to improve my Spanish – I set about trying to work out which course I should do and at which school. I had never been to Barcelona but I knew instinctively that it would be a city I would love…a city with a beach, and sun, and Gaudi, and chicos guapos…what more could I want?  I spent quite a bit of time trawling through various websites trying to compare TEFL courses and locations and prices, until I came across Finally a website that explained everything I needed to know, allowed me to compare courses and start dates, plus they were on the end of the phone to help me with my application – great! So I applied, did the pre-interview task, had a Skype interview with the school, and before I knew it I was accepted onto the course. So far so good, and I even managed to book myself onto a part-time Spanish language course, just to make sure I wasn’t just speaking English all the time!

My course expectations

Having always been fairly academic (good A level results, good degree) I didn’t think that doing a 4 week teaching course to become an English language teacher would cause me too many problems. This was not entirely the case. Initially I questioned if I really needed to spend a significant amount of money on learning how to teach a language I already spoke fluently. How hard could it be? A lot harder than I thought, as it turned out.

So I arrived in Barcelona courtesy of Easyjet, and for the duration of the 4 week course I stayed with a family in a nice part of the city. They were lovely. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to spend much time with them. Mainly because I spent the majority of my ‘free’ time holed up in my room frantically trying to work out the stages of lesson planning, creating materials with no idea of whether they would actually work in class, and writing assignments that at 4am in the morning didn’t make a lot of sense to me either.  This was essentially, the beginning, middle and end of the course. A learning curve like no other I had ever experienced. It wasn’t that the information was complicated or intellectualised – most of it, in fact, was common sense. There was just A LOT of it.

In at the deep end – the course in detail

There were 18 people on my course, but there were 2 courses running simultaneously, so there were about 35 of us all together. English, Scottish, American, Irish, Canadian, and Dutch. A great mix of people from 18 to 55, with a range of motivations, backgrounds and reasons for doing the course.  Teaching in front of my other 17 classmates started on the second day of the course. Not embarrassing at all.  We had to teach our fellow trainees for 5 minutes about something we knew or were good at – having just left PwC as a trainee accountant (the most boring year of my life) I decided to teach everyone how to complete a balance sheet. Not that this had a lot to do with teaching English but it did get us up, writing on the board, in front of a group of people.  From there on in the rest of the course flew by – everyday filled with so much information to take on board, so many different things to think about, so much to understand. Classroom management, lesson planning, setting of lesson aims, achieving lesson aims, checking meaning of target language, ensuring free practice of target language, error correction, varying interaction patterns, catering for different learner styles – not to mention making the materials for all the activities from scratch. It was a surprise that all 35 of us made it through to the end of the course without having a nervous breakdown (only joking – ish).

Throughout the course everyone teaches for a total of 6 hours. Each time was a pretty nerve racking experience – but with each teaching practice the feedback from the tutor helped me to identify which areas I was getting right and which points I needed to work on. This made me feel like I was actually progressing and improving, and allowed me to focus on just a couple of things at a time – rather than trying to get everything right, which was basically impossible. We all had mid-course and end of course tutorials with our tutors, which made us aware of exactly how we were getting on and if we were on track to pass the course. This was an extremely positive aspect of the course – as there were no nasty surprises at the end with someone thinking they were doing great when actually they were going to fail.

So, I got to the end of the course in one piece and passed! What a relief. The lessons learnt were invaluable and there is no way, after having done the TESOL, that I would ever want to stand in front of anyone and try and teach them English without having done the course.

14 years after doing my Trinity TESOL I’m now the Managing Director of CactusTEFL…but that’s another story…

Cactus TEFL is an admissions and advice service for quality teacher training courses worldwide. Cactus works with the majority of well-known course providers to offer CELTA, Trinity CertTESOL, equivalent and online courses in over 90 locations across 36 countries. Cactus TEFL also offers free post-course careers advice and support, as well as access to our very own TEFL jobs board and job alerts.

Cactus Language is a leading provider of language courses in over 120 locations abroad.

Junior language camps – a wise choice for the summer

Learn a language, make friends of the same age, enjoy fun activities and excursions – and pass those exams!

If your child is learning a language, a summer language camp will give them the holiday of a lifetime and put them one step ahead when they return to school in September.

These camps  offer a fantastic opportunity for students aged 5-18 years to learn their chosen language in a safe and fun environment, where small group language classes are accompanied by exciting activities and excursions, comfortable accommodation in a host family or residence and 24-hour supervision.

Why book a language camp?


  • Hand-picked selection of locations to study French, Spanish, Italian, German and English
  • Stimulating programme of social, sporting and cultural activities
  • Courses geared to different ages between 5-18 years
  • International environment guaranteeing new friends of the same age from all over the world
  • Great way to boost confidence and improve language skills naturally
  • Excellent preparation for GCSE and A Level exams
  • Increased employability and opportunities upon leaving school (see how studying abroad can make you smarter)
  • Courses for parents available in the same location

Where do we offer language camps?


Spanish language camps:

Spain: Seville / Denia / San Sebastian / Segovia

Costa Rica: Heredia

French language camps:

France: Montpellier / Cannes / Antibes

Canada: Quebec City

German language camps:

Germany: Berlin / Lindenberg / Augsburg

* Summer programmes for young adults aged 16-20 years are also available in Berlin and Vienna.

Italian language camps:

Italy: Salerno

English language camps:


England: London / Cambridge / Canterbury / Nottingham / Southampton / Brighton / Manchester / Liverpool / Cheltenham / Bournemouth / Ascot

Ireland: Dublin

Scotland: Edinburgh

USA: Long Island, New York / Brooklyn, New York


Most courses are available from one week upwards during the summer months. We are also experienced in arranging school trips abroad, in these and other locations.

Contact us or call us on 00 44 (0) 1273 830 960 for further information and a quote.

For full information on junior language camps please visit the Cactus Language website.

The 10 best places to learn English in the UK

The UK is a consistently popular destination when it comes to learning English. With a wide variety of landscapes, people, cultures and accents within a relatively small area, you get a lot for your money when you book an English course in the UK.

With so much on offer, it can be hard to know which is the right location for you. With this in mind we’re bringing you our 10 best places to learn English in the UK, to help you compare, choose and plan your trip. These are also the locations where you will find the best IELTS exam preparation and business English courses, which you will see links to below.

1. London


An English course in London or an IELTS exam course in London is an experience you will never forget. England’s vibrant, historic and multi-cultural capital has so much to offer students of all nationalities that it is unsurprisingly our most popular location to learn English in the UK. The large number of schools in London means that there is a course for everyone, no matter your age, level or budget, and the activities on offer outside class are infinite, ranging from cultural and sporting to entertainment, shopping, nightlife and more. Your London English course is the perfect way to experience one of the world’s most exciting cities. And for those wanting to take the reputable IELTS test, we offer a choice of long, short and part-time IELTS preparation courses in London.

English course London

IELTS exam preparation course London

Business courses in London for executives and professionals

2. Brighton


“London by the sea” is what they call Brighton, and if you take an English course in Brighton or an IELTS exam course in Brighton you will certainly be getting the best of both worlds. Buzzing city life accompanied by fresh air and great views – the sea in one direction and the picturesque hills of the Downs in the other – is a unique and enviable combination. On top of this you can expect a laid-back atmosphere, an emphasis on an outdoors, sporty lifestyle and top notch arts and cultural events. Come to learn English or take your IELTS preparation course in Brighton and you’ll realise that it’s a city unlike any other, and one that year after year attracts British and foreign students for courses and holidays.

English courses Brighton

IELTS exam preparation courses Brighton

Business courses in Brighton for executives and professionals

3. Oxford


Oxford has earned itself a reputation as an academic centre of excellence, as much for students attending its prestigious university as for foreign students wanting to learn English or take an IELTS exam course at one of its many language schools. Wherever you come from you will have doubtless seen images of the city’s historic architecture, rising spires and attractive cobbled streets, and in real life it is every bit as beautiful. Take an English course in Oxford or an IELTS preparation course in Oxford and you can proudly be part of the city’s flourishing student life, with plenty of opportunity to practise your English outside class, be it to rent a bike or have a pint in one of the city’s traditional pubs.

English course Oxford

IELTS exam preparation course Oxford

English mini-group executive course Oxford

4. Manchester


One of our most popular UK cities, Manchester offers a good dose of British northern life mixed with first-class entertainment facilities, abundant sporting opportunities, excellent shopping and no end of places to eat and socialise. As a place to learn English, it is modern and exciting, with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Take your English course in Manchester and you will quickly get caught up in all that there is to do, yet should you ever want a slower pace of life, the scenic Pennine Hills are just on the doorstep waiting to be explored.

English course Manchester

Business English course Manchester

5. Cardiff


Here’s a little secret: if you are looking for a place to learn English that is a little different, a place of stunning river valleys, pristine sandy beaches, rugged landscapes dotted with castles and supremely warm, friendly people, you must come to Wales. This small but magical country will steal a little piece of your heart before you know it. Take your English course in Cardiff and you can enjoy all that a thriving capital city offers, with the stunning Welsh countryside easily explored on weekends with friends that you make in class. The Welsh accent is often described as melodious, with a distinctive musical intonation – and although English is spoken everywhere, you may even find you pick up a few words of Welsh!

English course Cardiff

6. Cambridge


Cambridge is famous the world over for its prestigious university, unique traditions and active student life, meaning you are just as likely to see a student with his or her nose in a book as you are punting down the river beneath bridges and willow trees. For a place so well known, Cambridge is surprisingly modest in size, making it easy to get around and lending a friendly, intimate feel to the city – ideal for practising your English with the locals. As well as learning English, taking your English course in Cambridge will give you a great insight into the British culture and, with its central location, easy access to the rest of the UK.

English course Cambridge

7. Liverpool


It’s not just the innovative language school in the heart of the city that attracts students to learn English in Liverpool – although this could be reason enough if school and course are paramount to you. With contemporary learning facilities, quality teaching and outstanding value for money, you are in excellent hands if you take your English course in Liverpool. And this is without even mentioning all that Liverpool has to offer. Whether you’re after music, culture, legend or sport, you can’t help but be swept up in Beatles mania, football frenzy and cultural utopia, making this lively northern city an unforgettable place to learn English.

English course Liverpool

8.  Bristol


Located in England’s picturesque south-west, Bristol is a wonderful – but often overlooked – location for students wanting to learn English. Known as the cultural centre of the West of England, it has struck the perfect balance between a buzzing student life, attractive surroundings (leafy Georgian streets, meandering waterways and a thriving waterfront) and a fantastic nightlife. As a student taking an English course in Bristol, you can expect to be treated as an individual at the supportive, family-run English language school, but not have to vie with hoards of foreign visitors as you might in other UK locations.

English course Bristol

9. Bath


With picture-postcard views everywhere you turn, you can’t help but fall in love with Bath, a beautiful city in England’s south-west. Perfect sand-coloured rows of Georgian houses, wide tree-lined crescents and quaint boutiques line the cobbled streets and the sparkling River Avon winds gently through the centre. It has an upmarket, wealthy feel, but the large number of students at its university add a young and lively element. If you take an English course in Bath you will inevitably visit the famous Roman Baths, but there’s plenty more to do here and you’ll soon discover why it’s such a popular place to learn English.

English course Bath

10. Edinburgh


Scotland has a distinct identity that shines through in its history, culture, traditions and accent, all of which combine to offer the most fascinating language learning experience. Take your English course in Edinburgh and you’ll soon see that it’s best discovered on foot, with attractive Georgian streets, impressive statues and countless cafes leading you to famous landmarks such as Edinburgh Castle, Princes Street and The Royal Mile. Time your trip in the summer to catch the dazzling Edinburgh Festival or join in the unmissable Hogmanay celebrations at new year. Whatever you do, life north of the border certainly won’t disappoint.

English course Edinburgh

Cactus offers a variety of English courses across the UK and in other countries worldwide. Courses include General English, Business English, Academic Year programmes, exam preparation courses and Under 18s summer camps.

Five reasons why you should do an Online TEFL Course

Cactus TEFL’s online English Language Awareness course is a great option for anyone about to embark on a TEFL course. The ideal CELTA and Trinity CertTESOL preparation course, it will give you solid, all-round knowledge of English grammar and save a lot of time when it comes to planning lessons.

If you don’t have time to take the course before you do your TEFL training, there are still plenty of reasons why it’s beneficial to complete it before you start your first teaching job:

1. Knowledge

There are certain countries where much of the English language teaching is based around conversation lessons, but the vast majority of TEFL jobs will involve as much emphasis on grammar as on conversation. Having a good working knowledge of the ins and outs of English grammar will help enormously when it comes to lesson planning – having to revise your grammar before you plan your lesson will add hours to your preparation!

2. Confidence

Making sure your English grammar is up to scratch before you step into the classroom will give you the confidence to deal with tricky grammar questions that students (particularly in high level classes) might have for you. You can avoid those embarrassing silences and any unnecessary stress when eager students quiz you on the differences between the past simple and the present perfect!

3. Reputation

Our ELA course was produced in conjunction with respected ELT teacher, teacher trainer and course book author, John Hughes. John is a highly influential figure within the TEFL industry, running ELT writing courses for Oxford University, consultation for language schools as well as his own popular ELT blogs and columns for The Guardian. The ELA course was also nominated for the British Council Innovation Award after it was launched, a wonderful and well-deserved accolade!

4. Employability

Doing the ELA course as a CELTA or Trinity CertTESOL preparation course, or prior to any other TEFL course, will look impressive on your CV and show that you are both keen and knowledgeable.

5. Value for Money

At just £95, ELA is great value for money. However, if you book your TEFL course through Cactus you will receive a discounted English Language Awareness course, at £50 reduced from £95 – plus a FREE English Language Methodology course.

Find out more about the English Language Awareness course and search TEFL courses worldwide with Cactus TEFL.